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The Financial Diet

5 Steps To Get Over Your Debt Hangover


September 7, 2023

presented by Advisor​

...and so the countdown (to step our money-game UP) begins!

Got off track with your finance goals this year?
Some good news - you're not alone.
More good news - we can help.

After a fun summer of party hard (and spend harder), it's only right that we recalibrate a bit.

As Fall approaches, it's time to consider turning over a "new leaf" when it comes to our finances. Luckily, Advisor is here to help make sure this season is the perfect balance of spending and investing – with the ultimate goal of growing our money and ending the year strong.

September 22 marks the official 100-day countdown of 2023; let's help you get a head start. Advisor believes "everyone can benefit from expert advice and support," and at TFD we feel everyone should benefit from it. Find out why so many TFD readers trust Advisor with their money goals. Schedule your free consultation call today and never make another financial decision alone.


Just joining us? Why, hello: Welcome to this week's edition of the TFD newsletter. Thank you all for coming to this special little corner of the TFD community :)

For those who are new to TFD, welcome! We are an independent, all-women media company dedicated to helping you talk about money and live better with what you have. You can find us on YouTube, our website, Instagram, and hosting many money-centric digital events.

I hope you all have a great day, and we'll see you in your inbox next week!

<3 Soraya, Sr. Managing Editor, TFD Branded Content

by Soraya Joseph

Arguably more dangerous fun than summer's grand entrance is its grand exit. After all, for most of us, the close of summer marks the end of peak sunshiney days, rooftop hangouts, and the happiest of happy hours – all of which contribute to a heightened sense of joy and an undeniable urge to splurge.

It's also no surprise that 2 out of Summer's 3 months rank top three for most requested time off, while the entire season ranks number one for the longest amount of time off per individual worker's request. So chances are you're one of the many who probably went all out on a well-deserved summer of R&R and maybe even wrapped it up with some costly Labor Day festivities!

Luckily, we've provided a few tips on how to recover realistically and responsibly. Read below!


1. Reflect Without Regret

You came. You saw. You purchased. And that's okay!

As the saying goes, "One monkey doesn't stop the show." Similarly, one money decision doesn't speak for the entirety of your financial discipline. You had a fun summer and anything that contributes to your overall peace of mind, happiness and ultimately, your "experience bank" is worth it. By my own definition, an "experience bank" is a collection of life moments you've either experienced for the first time or may never experience again. So in that case, it's worth it. Remember, you won't ever get the time back but you can always make your money back.
​2. Reminder: Quality of Spend >>> Quantity Saved​
Now, I'm not implying that saving isn't super important and/or necessary, especially in these times. And I'm definitely not justifying dipping into what may or may not have been a designated savings account of significant importance (like your dream bank for a future home or an emergency fund). What I am saying is that it already happened. So instead of measuring how much you spent, consider measuring what it meant to you at that moment and how your purchase made you feel.

Look, life is not solely quantitative - it's qualitative too. If you spent any amount of money that ultimately contributed to your happiness in a healthy and undestructive way (vacationing, good time with family and friends, a few trip upgrades, sustainable clothing, an indulgent purchase or two, etc.), it was worth it. And if you truly feel it wasn't, consider it a lesson and not a loss!

3. Recoup With Confidence

​Post-spending anxiety is a real thing. Even if you've managed to make peace with your purchase(s), unfortunately, forgiveness doesn't pay the bills and acceptance doesn't count toward lowering your card balance.

Luckily, a stress-free strategy towards money recovery does make for a clearer mind and stronger approach to saving. Plus, it costs nothing to plan. So, consider doing the following when it comes to rehabbing your finances:

  • Put a pause on all non-essential spending habits that you picked up during your summer of "YOLO" indulgences. This may include an uptick in impulse shopping, eating out more often than you need to, excess happy hours, weekly nail salon trips, etc. Give your pockets a break. (FYI: you do not need to buy another wardrobe for the upcoming fall – last year's pieces will do)
  • Incentivize and celebrate saving as you would spending. The same way it feels good to spend money on yourself, remember that saving money is a treat to yourself too. It's also an investment towards your future, aspirational self. So don't look at saving as restrictive so much as it is rewarding. Download a classic savings tracker if you must!
  • Stop using the credit card(s) with the highest balance (and/or the highest interest rate for that matter) immediately. As a matter of fact, just take it out of your wallet - period!

4. Rehabilitate Your Smallest Fund

Big bites still finish the plate and small steps still finish the race (and yes, that's an original quote, folks!) Instead of freaking yourself out with huge numbers and goals to make your money back asap, motivate yourself with the easiest financial step you can take today. Starting with a quick emergency fund of $1000 by December ($10/day for 100 days) or even saving $5 a day for a month is an easy way to simply get you back into the habit of saving instead of spending.

5. Remain Calm

The rearview mirror is always smaller than the windshield. Meaning, that your past is behind you and only intended for a "quick look." But your future is right ahead of you and should be your main focus. Embrace your lessons and move forward. Every second you spend dwelling on the past is a second you could be spending building towards a better future.


Sometimes a summer of spending means an autumn of saving. I truly hope these tips helped! Enjoy your last few weeks of the sunny season!

"It's officially September, folks! Check out this ticklish (yet, very accurate) breakdown of how September, October, November and December are all siblings." - Soraya

"Pet parents, listen up! I have searched far and wide and have found the best stain remover for when my dog has an accident on the carpet. It's cheap and easy to use, you're welcome. 🐢" - Heather

"I love a fancy notebook and this spiral bound one by a Japanese design firm called Delfonics is my current fave. The price tag puts it in the 'small indulgence' category considering you can buy notebooks in bulk for like 99 cents a piece, but the size is perfect to toss into an overcrowded work bag (just me?) and it just looks so nice on your desk. Sometimes it really is ~ the little things ~" - Jane

"September means one thing for me, and it's rewatching all of Demi Adejuyigbe's September 21st videos. Go watch them all, but especially my personal favorite!" - Chelsea

Here's a quick snapshot of some NEW and EXCITING things happening around the TFD-verse:

✨ #TFDTrending: How To Break Your Fast Fashion Habits - In this episode of The Financial Confessions, Chelsea talks to YouTuber and sustainable fashion expert Justine Leconte about why clothing options suck now, ditching fast fashion, finding good-quality clothes, and what clothing should really cost if it's being made to last. Watch HERE!


✨ ICYMI: When College Is A Huge Mistake - In our latest TFD exclusive, Chelsea gets candid (and factual) about the real costs of college, weighing the decision to go with the actual return on investment, and how to get "the college experience" β€” and a good career β€” without inordinate debt.

✨ AS ALWAYS: Follow us on TikTok!


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The Financial Diet

Helping women Talk About Money + live a better life on any budget

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